The Canby Garden Club is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that works to beautify our community, further horticulture education and create better habitat for wildlife.

In 2023 we celebrated 75 years as a garden club.

Milkweed for Monarch Butterfly Garden

Several members of the Canby Garden Club broke out their shovels today to plant a Monarch Butterfly Waystation at the community garden near St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Canby. The pollinator plot featured Showy Milkweed and Zinnias. More native plants will be added soon. Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world. Thank you to Donna Bryant, Priscilla Wu, Lynda Rondema, David Kleinke, Michelle Helzer, Katherine Leppek and John Rector. The community garden plot was donated and John said, "The pollinators will help with all of our vegetable plots too." The community garden is part of the church food bank in Canby. More information and

 Spring Garden Fair

Join us Saturday and Sunday, May 4 and 5 at the Canby Fairgrounds

,694 NE 4th Ave, Canby, OR 97013

.Spring Garden Fair – Presented by Clackamas County Master Gardener Assoc.

We will be at Booth L 25

with hundreds of perennials, trees, herbs, annuals and

Native Plants grown locally.

Best prices. Gallon pots $5.

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Your plant dollars help support Canby High School scholarships

and local garden education.

Since 1948 the Canby Garden Club has been helping local gardeners.

Terra Nova 2
Terra Nova 3
terra Nova 4

Many thanks to Chuck Pavlich of Terra Nova Nurseries for a wonderful tour of their facilities. About 20 members of the Canby Garden Club learned about the tissue culture and the breeding program at this local wholesale company.

Terra Nova works world-wide to bring the very best perennials and annuals to your home gardens. Chuck explained that the company grows small baby plugs and then sells them to national plant nurseries (Monrovia, Al's, Portland Nursery and others) to grow on. Check out their Facebook page.

And look for Terra Nova flowers this year at your local nursery.

Join the Canby Garden Club. Everyone is welcome. more info

Starting on Dec 18th, we have joined forces with @oregonbottledrop / @orbottledrop to raise money for our nonprofit.  BottleDrop Give makes it easy to fundraise, collecting and returning beverage containers to reach our fundraising goals.

Did you know each year the Canby Garden Club awards college scholarships to support Canby High School agriculture/horticulture students?

Reach out today to get one of our Blue Bags to help.

We will deliver a blue bag to your house or business. Thank you.

Congratulations to Goldie the Garden Damsel!

She was selected the Second Place winner in the Hot Rod Dreamworks scarecrow contest

Meetings are held once per month at members' homes or another meeting place. We have guest speakers, visit different gardens, promote yards of the month, volunteer at Canby Adult Center and Canby Center, earn money for Canby High School scholarships and have lots of fun!

Fourth of July Fun
Aug Yard of the Month

Aug Yard of the Month

For more information about the Garden Club submit requests here: