The Canby Garden Club was organized on April 29, 1948.  There were 52 charter members.  The club has met monthly since it’s inception. 

A constitution was adopted at the second meeting.  In October 1948 the club was accepted for membership in the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs where it remained a member for many years.

The stated purpose of the club is eight-fold:

1) Coordinate the interests of those seeking better and more gardens

2) Aid in the protection of trees, plants and shrubs

3) Encourage civic planting

4) Develop home gardens

5) Study in all its aspects the fine art of gardening

6) Encourage the exchange of seeds, plants, shrubs and trees

7) Aid in the protection and increase of native insectivorous birds

8) Through association and cooperation, create and promote good fellowship between the members of the club


The trees and the rivers,

The mountains and oceans,

The ores and the minerals,

The fish and wildlife,

Are ours to use with consideration of generations to come.

This then, will be their world, as today it is ours.

Clara Abrams

Past President